
cholla garden



"There aren't enough hours in the day"... fuck that, yes there is it's twenty-four.

Spending twenty-four hours running through the desert has never been on the top of my priority list, but I have to say after everything it gave me a new perspective on lighting and natural colors. I've never been a fan of dry heat and high temps but the constant move from one spot to the next had me so focused that the weather conditions didn't bother me... too much. 

There's something oddly refreshing about only getting 2 hours of sleep in the back of a Range Rover and waking up at 5:30AM to shoot the rising sun. I had no idea what the rest of the day had in store for me, but I knew that we needed to pack in as much as we possibly could in a day. 

As we bounced from each location, I knew I wanted to emphasize the time change and the lighting throughout the day. A lot of people are scared to shoot in the middle of the day because the lighting is too harsh, but you can still catch bangers... you just got to go under ground.

My goal throughout the day was to capture a wide range of color and show you what a full twenty-four hours looks like. In the morning, I wanted to show off the light purples and heavy oranges of the sunrise. As the day went on the bright blues and harsh light from the mid day sun came out, but this didn't stop me from catching a dope cloud formation over the mountain range. We then headed underground, where streaks of sunlight shot through the old lava formations and illuminated the whole cave. It gave off a very dope saturated look, and when mixed with the dust in the air caused an amazing effect. We closed the last bit of sunlight with the same purples and oranges we saw in the morning. It's almost as if the day ended as it begun, and everything came around full circle. Finally, we ended the night with the deep blues from the night sky and the oddly bright moon, which helped light our way. 

Time well spent is living each day to the fullest, even if you only have twenty-four hours to do it.

Drives Through Joshua Tree w/ Range Rover USA

Travel, LifestyleNicholas La | @NIKK_LAComment

We had the privilege to work with Land Rover this past weekend by taking out one of their brand new Range Rovers to Joshua Tree!