


TravelMarvin King | @MIGHTYKILLS2 Comments

The slot canyons in Arizona has long been on my bucket list so when the opportunity arose to go, you can imagine how stoked I was. I think we all knew fairly well just how popular Antelope Canyon is, with the amount of photos and advertisement going around but we just didn't really think anything of it. We planned to get in early morning and find a place to give us a tour of Antelope but we had no luck. Everything was booked up for the entire day. I kept searching and searching for other companies but everyone of them were completely booked. We finally came across this one company that offered a tour of an alternative slot canyon by the way of a H2, a bit more expensive but at that point, I was ready to drop down whatever to just see them. Although it was Antelope Canyon, I was still super stoked on being here. It was completely private and we had the freedom to just roam on our own and shoot. Glad plan B worked out.