Our EXPLORE meets have been a success in such a way that it's become a huge gathering, a hang-out, a pow wow; but we've noticed that it was lacking one major part on our end, conversation. It's always been difficult for us to make our rounds and talk to everyone, I mean really talk and converse. It ends up just us bouncing around saying Hello, a handshake and then going on. People have reached out to us and told us they weren't able to talk with us and we feel real shitty for that. We really want to engage with our supporters and fellow creatives in our community so this is why we have created The GET/TOGETHER.

This will be a private sign-up only meet held in the Bay Area. This keeps our group to a much smaller scale which will allow us to spend more time talking and getting to know you. We want to hear your stories, your questions, we want to learn from you as well as share some of our own knowledge and help grow our passion for the craft together. If you are interested in joining us on our first adventure at The GET/TOGETHER, please sign use the form below and sign up. Please note that this is a first come, first served sign up list. If you are one of the few to make it on the list first, we will send you a special invitation via email.