Connor Surdi4 Comments

The City That Never Sleeps, the Big Apple, The Melting Pot...The list goes on. New York is an icon to the world. I recently had the opportunity to stay in NYC for a little under two weeks. I stayed with my friend Erick Hercules with whom i run the We Levitate page with. Prior to this trip, I had only met him for 2 hours during a layover in NYC. It's pretty insane how the internet can connect people from across the world. The time I was spent there wasn't all used to shoot though, a lot was spent meeting new people and experiencing the city from a different perspective. I always think it's good to step away from the work mode to just enjoy where you are and take it all in.

The last time I was in NYC was pre-9/11...I have family in Long Island and we used to visit when I was younger. So - the last time I was in NYC was when I didn't have an artistic eye and just saw everything as a young kid. Being able to go to NYC 7 years after I started photography was....Life changing, to be honest. In Seattle, once the sun goes down...The city is dead. In NYC, it never stops. There's always something going on. One thing that I was really amazed by was all the different scenes available anywhere you go. The textures, the lights, the reflections, the people...Everything. It's really amazing and I can see why people flourish to this city. 

NYC - it's been real...Definitely gave me a new perspective on my photography career and life in general. Though it was hectic and dirty and pricey as hell....I want to come back. I want to explore the city more, I want to meet more people, I want to eat more tacos at 1AM and I want to create more memories with amazing people.

NYC, it was mad OD lit, I'll be back. Until next time.