City Guide - KOBE jpn

Travel, Lifestyle, UrbanNandin YuanComment

神戸は港町ということもあり昔から貿易が盛んで、住人の国籍も 様々です。その影響から街には日本独自のモダニズム建築や教会、インターナショナルスクール、チャイナタウン、高層ビルをはじめ、世界一長い吊橋、夜景などフォトジェニックな被写体が数多くあります。また幸運なことに、自然にも恵まれ街の北側には六甲・摩耶山からなる山々がそびえ立ち、その一部は霧の名所としても知られています。


About 1 year ago, I moved to KOBE-City.

Kobe is the port town, because active trade from long ago, and the resident's nationality is also various. In the town, modernize architecture and china-town, church, high rise building, world’s longest suspension bridge and great night views such as there are many photogenic spots. Fortunately,  KOBE is blessed with a richness of nature, Mt.Rokko was also known as a much foggy spot.

That KOBE is half an hour from Osaka,and 1 hour from Kyoto.

If you come to Osaka or Kyoto, try to consider Kobe in your plan.