

TravelMarvin King | @MIGHTYKILLSComment

Everyone knows that the heart of Tokyo is often a city that most believe never sleeps; but it does. If you stay up late enough, streets are deserted, and a place that was so full of life just a few hours ago is now seen as a pretty lonely place. The amount of unique lights spread across all over Tokyo makes it easily one of my favorite places to photograph at night. Our first night in Tokyo, we were pretty whooped from all the traveling so we decided to just take it easy, roam around a bit then call it a night.


Urban, TravelMarvin King | @MIGHTYKILLSComment

i remember when i first came about this style of editing about a year ago and it's just really stuck with me. i loved how moody it made each photo. i would always contemplate back and forth between my standard edit style and this. majority of the time, i just stick with the standard style but then from time to time, i can't help but to go crazy on some yellows. i've seen a ton of people try and mimic this look, which is cool i guess. i mean, i do always try and tell people to try out anything and everything because that's the only way that you will really learn... and the only way to really find your own personal style. but often times people confuse experimenting with straight up copying. whatever though, to each their own. 

here is a set of photos i took in the outskirt suburbs of osaka post rain. i've always loved taking photos after a rainy day, when roads are still wet and sky is still gloomy. the soft box of a sky really makes the roads look unreal. it leads your eyes into the photo. take a long stare at these and get lost.

In A Rainy Kyoto

TravelGuest UserComment
雨の日は写真を撮るわたしたちにとって嬉しいシチュエーションなんですよね。京都なら「祇園」 「八坂の塔」 「石塀小路」 とか最高です。写真撮りにいきませんか?雨の京都へ。

If it rains when you stay in Kyoto, You have to be glad. Because you can really take nice photos in a rainy Kyoto. Here are some of these that I want to recommend.

Gion street (祇園) Yasaka pagoda (八坂の塔) Ishibeikoji (石塀小路)  

Let's meet in rainy Kyoto. 

Tsukiji Fish Market

Travel, Urban, LifestyleGuest UserComment


It was the first time I went Tsukiji Fish Market in early June 2015.  It's a large wholesale market for fish in central Tokyo. About 9AM on Saturday, really crowded when I was there. Things coming and going. I was trying to photograph working people and tourist as a street photographer. It was a really fun experience.

If you are planning to come here, you should hurry. The Tsukiji Fish Market is scheduled move  to a new site in Toyosu in 2016. It's supposed to be clean and neat. I mean old and dirty is better for capturing documentary photograph. 
-Takashi Yasui